Improvement Concierge 提携会社

Improvement Conciergeが提携している会社です。Mission/Visionの策定から、サービスコンセプトの取りまとめのお手伝いをさせて頂きました。

EN Courage Consulting LLC



iC 提携会社

Mission 使命

To cross the gap companies have culturally, we encourage the building of bonds, foster courage, and go to raise up the voices of our customers and employees.

Vision ビジョン

Assisting customers solving a diverse range of social issues by developing their ability to create synergies in a global environment.


 Triage style consulting トリアージスタイルコンサルティング

We use triage style consulting/coaching/mentoring to create Hyper Synergy

  • Cultural Harmony 文化の調和
  • Standardization 標準化
  • Enlightenment 気づき

Encourage Cultural Harmony 文化の調和

To achieve “cultural harmony” in an organization or team means to unite as an organization or team to achieve a goal, even if the members have different languages, backgrounds, and values. However, there are times when diversity is unacceptable, and the organization or team is unable to unite its strengths.
We, ”Encourage”, diagnose the “foci” and provide full support for your organization so that first aid, permanent healing, and self-care (prevention and prophylaxis) can be applied.
What is the problem? … maybe it’s you, your partner, your process, or your company’s policies. We will clarify it.
何が問題か?… もしかすると自分自身、相手、プロセス、あるいは会社の方針が原因かもしれません。それを明確にします。

Encourage Standardization 標準化の後押し

 Are we really using the resources we have? Are we moving toward total optimization? Are we customer oriented? Are we just making what we want to make? We need to think about these things. To “standardize” a process is to make current best practices visible and document them, but under the current climate of change, creating a “standardized” document is not the only goal.
We, “Encourage”, are here to help you build a process of creating, establishing, and updating “standards” that will continue to grow and evolve. Let us help you expand your knowledge and skills with what you have and create a situation where you can take back what you need, when you need it, and as much as you need it.

Encourage Enlightenment 気づきの後押し

 We evolve and grow both as individuals and as a group over time. If we can manifest what the “true I” and the “true group” are hidden “inside” through dialogue, won’t that accelerate our evolution and growth?
We, “Encourage”, are here to help you follow the path of that manifestation. What do I, as an individual or as a group, really want? Through dialogue, let’s clarify “what” I personally or the group originally want.


Hyper Synergy お客様の問題解決

 We, EN Courage Consulting, are an organization that provides services to build the path to Hyper Synergy and achieve it.
To be enable “Win-Win” in human relations means to respect the differences between you and me, i.e., we work together to create a “synergy”, a result that I alone cannot produce.  And in today‘s world, which is evolving and changing at a tremendous pace on a daily basis, it is very difficult to have a brilliant future unless we incorporate the perspective of “Social Win” in addition to this.  The realization of “Win” among the three parties, me, you, and society, is expressed as “Win3” (Win Cubed) and named “Hyper-Synergy”. In other words, hyper synergy is the simultaneous fulfillment of three “Wins”: me, you (others and/or an organization), and society.
In order to realize Hyper-Synergy, there is a path to get there, and the three pillars (see below) support it. The first step toward realization is for each individual to learn about the “win-wins” for themselves, others, the organization as a whole, and society as a whole.
In order to address one of the three pillars, we conduct an assessment and develop a plan by triage style for planning and providing consulting, coaching, and mentoring (training).The three pillars are
1. Cultural Harmony
2. Standardization
3. Enlightenment
 私たちEN Courage Consultingは、Hyper Synergyへの道の構築とその実現のためのサービスを提供する組織です。
人間関係において「Win-Win」を獲得することは、私ひとりでは出せない結果、すなわち「相乗効果」をあなたとの相違点を尊重し、私とあなた、つまり私たちで協力して創造していくことです。そして、ものすごいスピードで日々進化・変化している現代では、社会のWinという視点を取り入れていかなければ、輝かしい未来を手に入れることは難しいと考えられます。EN Courage Consultingでは、私、あなた、社会の三者間でのWinの実現を、Win3(Win Cubed)と表し、Hyper Synergy(ハイパーシナジー)と名付けました。 つまりハイパーシナジーとは、私、あなた(他者・組織)、そして社会の3つのWinを同時に満たすことになります。
3つの柱のいずれかに取り組むために、アセスメントを実施し、コンサルティング / コーチング / メンタリング(トレーニング)を企画・提供するための「トリアージ」によるプランを策定します。3つの柱は以下になります。
1. 文化的調和
2. 標準化
3. 気づき
